tisdag 28 september 2010

Oh, the irony.

So, here we are. I, Erik, have started a blog. Me, who always have carried the most hatred for these common blogs. I mean, sure, if you were some kind of rockstar, or lived in a foreign country, or at least had an interesting disease it's possible that I would read your blog. But I just can't take it when normal, common, boring people are blogging about their everyday life. No, I don't want to know who you voted for on Idol last night, what you had for lunch and I especially don't care for your stupid outfit of the day. Believe it or not, but I also eat and wear cloths, and it ain't that fun.

Well then, now you're probably wondering what makes my blog so special. I am taking a class called English for scientists and engineers. Yep, that's all. But, is that really enough to separate me from those disgusting everydaypeople blogging? No, of course not. I did not start this blog by choice. It's compulsory. Tasks from that class will be published here for my classmates to read and comment. I can't prevent all you other people from reading this, but I figured, sooner or later you'll drop out anyway.

Anyway, here's my blog. Suppose that's what they call irony.

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